

  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 教员/员工
  3. 信息技术
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. Choose from seven completely online 贝博体育.提供在线学位. Choose from seven completely online 贝博体育.



Network access is automatically given when an Employee/Student is first put into Banner. If this is a returning employee that has been previously retired or locked, you may visit raidernet.monkeybeads.net and click the Change/Forgot Password link to attempt to reset your information.
If you have any issues or questions, please email help@monkeybeads.net 寻求帮助.

如何更新MS Outlook信息

To view/update your current directory information in our email system, please login to Raidernet. You will see your current information display in the Home tab under Raidernet Details (See below Screen Capture for reference). Supervisors can also review their direct reports as defined in Outlook at any time (if direct report information is incorrect supervisors must inform employees to make these changes in Raidernet).

How to Request Phone Extension or Office Setup

To request a phone extension or office setup (including moving offices), 请填写所需的表格 form. This form will be routed to the IT Help Desk and they will follow-up.

How to Request 电子邮件 Distribution List Access

To request addition or removing from Roane State distribution lists, please fill out this form. This form will be routed to the IT Help Desk and they will follow-up.


To request a new file share, please fill out this form. This form will be routed to the IT Help Desk and they will follow-up.

How to Request new Banner Admin P年龄s (INB) Access

  1. Users will submit a request to their supervisor via email.
  2. Supervisors will need access in Banner Workflow if they have never been setup. 请发邮件至OPR@monkeybeads.net if you are a supervisor that needs access to Workflow. 一旦业务责任办公室创建了一个账户, Supervisors will initiate a Banner WorkFlow request (Workflow is ONLY accessible on network including VMWare)
    请注意: 如果员工需要Sciquest/Jaggaer访问权限, please make sure to choose Yes for Banner Finance access in the request and put in the ORG codes needed.
  3. Data Custodians will approve or reject the request.
  4. Upon approval of the WorkFlow, Administrative Systems staff (opr@monkeybeads.net) will grant access based on classifications in the request.
  5. 主管-导航到SSB, 选择Workflow选项卡, The Banner Workflow App should open in the same window.
  6. Click on the User Profile icon, the User Profile Menu should expand.
  7. 单击My Processes,然后选择 RSCC横幅安全表格 从可用进程列表中.
  8. Once the Workflow Form opens, be sure to enter the Name and ID.
  9. For Name please enter employees First and Last Name.
  10. 完成后,请单击Start Workflow.
  11. Workflow New/Existing user screen capture im年龄

How to Request Additional Form Access in Banner

  1. If an employee has NOT changed positions but needs access to Banner forms they believe are missing, the employee's supervisor must email the Data Custodian in charge of the missing form's area (参见下面的列表). The Data Custodian will initiate a Modification WorkFlow to make the necessary updates as they see fit.
  2. 如果员工换了职位, a brand new WorkFlow must be initiated by the user's immediate supervisor.


Please email faculty member's Academic Admin– the Academic Secretary will setup Faculty in Banner (via SIAINST).
顾问需要,请发送电子邮件 advising@monkeybeads.net.
Other SSB roles are generated based on roles in Banner (Student, Employee, etc.)这些不能手动授予


如果您没有横幅管理页面访问, please have your supervisor submit a Workflow for access first (以上说明).
If you already have Banner Admin P年龄 access, please see below–
For Financial Aid or 体育运动 snapshot, please email townsonr@monkeybeads.net 请求修改.
建议快照,请发送电子邮件 hunsakerjl@monkeybeads.net 请求修改.


These third party accounts needs to be requested via the DynamicForms access request form, 可以从Raidernet访问. 主管启动表格, after which it will be routed to the Data Custodians responsible for the selected Division. For instance consider as Supervisor you select Student Records & 招生, 主管提交表格后, it will then automatically be routed to the Director of Student Records.

  1. To access the request form, login to Raidernet, then navigate to the RSCC-MISC tab.
  2. 加载表单后, Supervisor has to select the Division an end-user needs access to, 以及访问的类型, 那就是ARGOS, BDMS或UC4.


Usually Jaggaer access will be created as long as the original Banner Admin P年龄s/INB access request includes Finance Access and ORG access is requested. 然而,

  1. If you currently have no Banner Admin P年龄s/INB access, 或者你因为换工作需要Jaggaer, please have your supervisor submit a new Banner request workflow (see section “How to Request new Banner Admin P年龄s (INB) Access”)
  2. If you are NOT changing jobs and you already have Banner Admin P年龄 access, then please email opr@monkeybeads.net to request Banner Finance for Jaggaer access to be added to your account.


  1. 临时雇员, supervisors and Budget ORG Man年龄rs are responsible for notifying Human Resources of employee departures that occur prior to the contract end date.
  2. 被解雇员工, Human Resources is responsible for initiating the Terminated Employee Workflow. Supervisors must make HR aware of an unanticipated departure
  3. Employees voluntarily leaving employment are responsible for initiating the Out-Processing Workflow in Banner. (从RaiderNet, 选择Employee选项卡, 然后是Banner SSB, 从主菜单, 选择员工, 然后是员工结账表.)



克里菲利普斯 • (865) 882-4548 • 单击电子邮件地址的名称



贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


