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Move Forward. 不要拖延你的未来! Apply now! 注册在线课程或传统课程.Move Forward. 不要拖延你的未来! Apply now!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.


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健康科学学位课程有特定的资格/入学标准.  以下政策适用于:口腔卫生, 健康信息管理, 医学信息学, 职业治疗助理, 物理治疗师助理, 放射技术, 呼吸道护理, 外科手术技术, 及视力护理技术.  (Admissions policies for Technical Certificate programs can be found in the catalog under "Admission to the Health Science Certificate Programs"),

  1. 完成罗安州立社区学院(RSCC) 录取过程 成为被录取的学生 AND
  2. 完成RSCC申请时,选择A.S. 学士学位,职业健康科学预科,作为你的学习贝博体育. This will allow you to begin taking those general education courses that meet the prerequisite course requirements to be considered for admission to the allied health science AAS program of your choice.

    Pre-Allied Health Sciences is an Associate of Science (AS) degree program that will provide a pathway for students who are currently applying to one or more of the allied health science AAS degree programs including: 
  3. 申请人必须符合以下最低学术要求之一:
    1. Students under 21 years of age must attain a composite score of 20 or above on the ACT taken within the last 3 years OR attain a GPA of 2.在完成所选学位课程所要求的至少9个学期的通识教育课程后,成绩达到50或以上.
      1. A student can apply to the 职业治疗助理 program without 9 credits of college-level courses by using their ACT score of 19 or higher along with observation hours.
      2. A student can apply to the 视力保健技术 program without 9 credits of college-level courses by using their ACT score of 20 or higher.
    2. 年满21岁的学生平均成绩必须达到2分.在完成所选学位课程所要求的至少9小时的通识教育课程后,成绩达到50分或以上.
      1. A student can apply to the 视力保健技术 program without 9 credits of college-level courses by using their Accuplacer average score of 250 or higher (if 21 years or older).
  4. In addition, 申请人必须符合所选学位课程的入学要求(在课程网页上找到)。.
    1. Some degree programs have required prerequisites in addition to the 9 hours of general education courses and/or a minimum GPA greater than 2.50. 这些先决条件列在相应学位课程的学院目录下.
    2. 有些学位课程需要面试, if applicable, 由联合健康计划招生委员会审查日期之前.
      1. 学生必须符合资格
      2. Students must be ranked and fall into the group designated for interviews (there is a predetermined number of interview slots for the programs that conduct interviews)
    3. Completing math and science courses required in some Allied Health degree programs with a grade of B or better may enhance the applicant selection ranking. 一些学位课程对入学所需科学课程的年龄有限制.  完成额外的通识教育课程(i.e. 英语作文I、大学数学或统计学、演讲等.)也可能导致更高的选择排名.
    4. 所有的学习支持要求必须在被选定的贝博体育接受之前完成.
    5. 申请人必须能够在身体上满足该学科规定的工作要求, 可用的行业标准和公众的期望.
    6. Some degree programs require documented clinical observations or discipline-specific work experiences by the published program deadline. 有工作经验的申请人可获特别考虑. Each Program Director requiring clinical observation or discipline-specific work experience will verify clinical observations and/or discipline-specific work experience has been completed satisfactorily. 观察表格可在节目网页上找到. 记录工作经验的说明.e. 投递简历是在贝博体育网页上.
  5. 申请人必须在公布的计划截止日期(如下所列)之前完成电子健康科学申请。. Go to RaiderNet 点击"申请健康科学课程". 在选择计划学习课程时,您最多可以选择三个课程. 如果一个课程没有被选为计划学习课程,你将不会被考虑参加该课程.  NOTE:  不完整的申请将不予处理.  Any applications received after the published application deadline may be considered by the Program Director on a space available basis.  It is the student's responsibility to assure that all records and documentation are received by the appropriate department by the published application deadline.
  6. Each Program Director will complete a list of recommended candidates for admission to their program indicating that all of the general and program admission criteria and required documents have been verified.  学生的最终选择将由联合健康计划招生委员会做出.
  7. 学生将通过RaiderNet电子邮件收到接受联合健康学位课程的电子通知. 学生必须在接受邮件中指定的回复日期之前通过回复邮件确认他们的接受.
  8. Admission to the degree program is required prior to enrolling in Allied Health program discipline-specific courses with the following exceptions:
    1. 1300和1301 MUST 作为健康信息管理和医学信息专业的必修课程.  HIMT 1302 MAY 在进入健康信息管理或医学信息学专业之前.  HIMT 1400 MAY 在进入健康信息管理课程之前. 
    2. HIMT 1300 MAY 在进入外科技术课程之前.
    3. PTAT 2200 MUST 作为物理治疗师助理贝博体育的先决条件.
    4. RADT 1200 MAY 在进入放射学技术课程之前, 强烈建议在进入放射技术专业之前参加RADT 1200.
    5. MLAB 1301 MAY 在进入医学实验室技术专业之前, 强烈建议在进入医学实验室技术专业之前参加MLAB 1301.  
  9. 健康科学招生顾问将更改所有被录取学生的专业,以准确反映他们的学习计划. 在专业改变之前,学生不得注册特定学科的课程.
  10. 达到最低资格并不能保证被所选课程录取.  将优先考虑泰米尔纳德邦居民.
  11. Successful admission and completion of any RSCC health sciences program does not guarantee state licensure and/or national certification to practice as there may be additional state/national criteria required for attainment of various allied health licenses/certifications.


Criminal background checks and drug screening may be a requirement at affiliated clinical sites utilized for training in Health Sciences programs. 根据这些检查的结果, 附属临床站点可能决定不允许您出现在他们的设施. 这将导致你无法成功完成该计划的要求. 学生将负责背景调查的费用. 此外,犯罪背景可能会妨碍执照或就业. 更多信息可以从你的贝博体育主管那里获得.


学生在入学前可能需要进行体检/健康验证. 学生将负责身体检查和所需的免疫接种和/或测试的费用.

In addition, RSCC健康科学专业的学生可能会接触到血液, 体液和传染病. 还有其他潜在的风险,如身体伤害和暴露于电离辐射. Health Science students must comply with the various health guidelines and safety requirements mandated by the clinical agency to participate in any required clinical experience. Health, safety, 免疫要求由临床附属医院确定, clinic, 社区设置, etc.),而不是贝博体育. 这些可能包括拥有个人健康保险. Students are encouraged to carry personal health insurance and are responsible for costs incurred due to injury or illness while enrolled.  


在参加任何临床学习经验之前,需要医疗事故保险的证据. 学费包含在学生的学费中 学杂费 作为附加费用,将被列为“责任保险”.


为了让申请者优先考虑进入下一个秋季学期的联合健康贝博体育, 申请须按下列方式递交:

Program Degree RSCC秋季课程截止日期 RSCC春季课程截止日期
口腔卫生 A.A.S. February 28  
健康信息管理 A.A.S. May 15  
医学信息学 A.A.S. May 15 October 31
医学化验技术 A.A.S.  March 31  
职业治疗助理 A.A.S. March 31  
物理治疗师助理 A.A.S. May 15  
放射技术 A.A.S. May 15  
呼吸道护理 A.A.S. May 15  
外科手术技术 A.A.S. March 31  
视力保健技术 A.A.S. May 15  

不完整的申请将不予处理. 在公布的申请截止日期之后收到的任何申请都可能由贝博体育主任在可用空间的基础上进行考虑. It is the student’s responsibility to assure that all records and documentation are received by the appropriate department by the published application deadline.


Students that do not meet minimum selective admission requirements may be considered for conditional acceptance status on a space-available basis.



  1. 每门专业课成绩达到C或以上.
    注意:一些学位课程可能对其他课程(如科学课程)的成绩有额外的保留要求.  请查阅本目录中的具体课程说明, 程序的网页, 或与贝博体育主管讨论.
  2. 完成学位清单规定的专业课程. 学生必须能够完成他/她被录取的班级的课程. A student who cannot graduate with the class in which he/she was admitted will be dropped from that class and must reapply to a subsequent class.
  3. 医疗事故保险证明和临床培训前体检证明.
  4. Be physically and mentally capable of performing the essential functions of the program as defined in each program’s Core Performance Standards.

The RSCC policy of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions applies to all students regardless of the program in which they are enrolled. 在违反酒精和药物规定的情况下, 纪律处分, 以及决定是否进行酒精或药物检测, 将由健康科学学院院长和学生主任处理.


  1. 申请再入联合健康课程的学生必须符合所选学位课程的所有入学标准.
  2. 申请人必须在入学前至少三十(30)天以书面形式向贝博体育主任提交重新入学请求. 请求必须是对不成功执行的原因和改正计划的详细个人反映.
  3. 一(1)重新录取到联合健康学位课程将被允许.
    注意:一些学位课程可能对特定学科或通识教育课程有时间限制. 该要求列在该贝博体育网页上的入学信息中. 申请人必须符合此要求(如适用).
  4. 申请重新入学的申请人可能需要与贝博体育主任和其他贝博体育教师面谈, if applicable, 由联合健康计划招生委员会审查日期之前. 面试要求列在贝博体育网页上.
  5. 在再入院之前,可能需要证明一个可接受的学科能力水平. 先前临床表现不理想的学生必须经课程教师一致同意推荐重新入学.
  6. 重新进入联合健康学位课程取决于空间的可用性.
  7. Students who are dismissed for reasons associated with academic misconduct or code of ethics violations will not be considered for readmission to any allied health degree program.
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