

RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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  3. RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.

RSCC Policy SA-07-01; 服务成员(退伍军人)和预备役人员的招募,录取和重新接纳

保单号码: SA-07-01
主题: 服务成员(退伍军人)和预备役人员的招募,录取和重新接纳
  1. 目的
    这项政策是为招聘提供标准和一致的做法, 入学, 以及重新接纳服役人员和预备役人员进入罗安州立社区学院(RSCC).
  2. 定义
    1. 主管官员:搜查令, 已委托或未委托, 获有关兵种授权发出此种通知的军官.
    2. 武装力量:美国.S. 陆军、海军、空军、海军陆战队和海岸警卫队. 现役包括全时训练任务, 年度培训职责, 和考勤, 在服兵役期间, at a school designated as a service school by law or by the Secretary of the military department concerned. 现役不包括国民警卫队的全职工作.
    3. Education Services Officer (ESO): Person assigned the responsibility for advising service persons of the educational opportunities available to active duty personnel.
    4. Military Service (or 统一服务中的服务): Voluntary or involuntary service in the armed forces, 包括国民警卫队或预备役的现役军人, 现役训练人员, 或联邦授权下的全职国民警卫队职责, for a period of more than 30 consecutive days under a call or order to active duty of more than 30 consecutive days. 这并不包括国家授权下的国民警卫队服务.
    5. 预备役人员:军事预备役部队的成员. 除此之外,他们都是平民,在和平时期也有军外的职业.
    6. 服务人员:是…的成员, 适用于成为…的成员, 执行, 表现, 适用于执行, 或者有义务去履行, 统一服务中的服务.
    7. Tuition Assistance (TA): Military Tuition Assistance is a benefit paid to eligible members of the Army, 海军, 海军陆战队, 空军, 和海岸警卫队.
  3. 招募退伍军人和预备役人员
    1. 根据联邦法律, 规定, and the Department of Defense (DoD) Voluntary Education Partnership Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), 贝博体育(RSCC):
      1. 禁止支付任何佣金, 奖金, or other incentive payment based directly or indirectly on securing enrollments or federal financial aid (including Tuition Assistance funds) to any persons or entities eng年龄d in any student recruiting, 招生活动, 或者决定是否给予学生经济援助.
      2. Refrains from high pressure recruitment tactics such as making multiple unsolicited contacts (3 or more), 包括电话联系, 电子邮件, 或面对面, and engaging in same-day recruitment and registration for the purposes of securing service member enrollments.
      3. 禁止诱惑, 包括任何小费, 忙, 折扣, 娱乐, 热情好客, 贷款, 运输, 住宿, 餐, or other item having a monetary value of more than an insignificant amount to any individual or entity, 或者它的代理, 包括第三方领先厂商或营销公司, other than salaries paid to employees or fees paid to contractors in conformity with all applicable laws for the purpose of securing enrollments of service members or obtaining access to TA funds.
    2. Allows college-sponsored scholarships or grants and tuition reductions to be available to military-affiliated students.
  4. 接纳服务人员
    1. RSCC被批准招收符合条件的服务成员申请使用学费援助(TA)。. 军事津贴是支付给符合条件的军队成员的福利, 海军, 海军陆战队, 空军, 和海岸警卫队. Congress has given each service the ability to pay up to 100% for the tuition expenses of its members. 每个服务都有自己的资格标准, 义务服务, 申请过程, 和限制. 这些资金通常由个人服务直接支付给学院.
    2. The Veterans Affairs Office at RSCC is the point of contact for academic and financial advising (including access to 残疾 counseling) to assist service members, 经验丰富的学生, 还有他们的家庭,顺利完成学业,顺利找到工作.
    3. The Veterans Affairs Office at RSCC directs eligible service members to receive approval from an Education Services Officer (ESO) or military education counselor within the appropriate military service for TA funding prior to enrolling in classes at RSCC.
    4. Service members who fail to receive approval for TA prior to enrollment will be obligated for the amount due for the cost of tuition and fees.
    5. Employees of RSCC are not responsible for the submission and approval of TA requests made by service members.
  5. 重新接纳服务人员
    1. 重新接纳需求
      1. RSCC will provide prompt re入学 of service members with the same academic status they had when they last attended the college or were accepted for 入学 prior to deployment under the following circumstances:
        1. The student contacts the RSCC Veterans Affairs Office to provide notification of service as well as notification of intent to return.
        2. The student or an appropriate officer of the Department of Defense or military service provides oral or written notice to the college that the reason for withdrawal from enrollment is due to receipt of orders or instructions to report for military service of at least 30 days. 除非军方阻止,否则应在撤离前发出通知.g. 服务与机密任务等有关. Notice does not have to indicate whether the service member intends to return to the school and may not be subject to any rule of timeliness. 及时性只能由每个案件的事实来决定.
        3. 在撤回日期之前没有通知的, the service member may submit an attestation of military service that necessitated the absence from school at the time of re入学.
      2. The service member provides notice of intent to re-enroll after an absence of no longer than 5 years and;
      3. 三年内或服务期满后
      4. Within 2 years of the completion of any convalescence for any injury or illness related to their service
      5. 不需要特别的表格来提供退回意向通知.
    2. 如果重新注册的意向通知符合上述要求, 该服役人员应立即被重新接纳.
  6. 提示重新接纳
    1. RSCC将快速重入定义为:
      1. Re-enrollment in the next available class in the same or most similar program as that in which the service member was enrolled prior to withdrawal,
      2. 与退学前的学术地位相同;
      3. 在学业上取得了和退学前一样的进步,
      4. 与取款前完成的学分数相同.
    2. 快速重新入学要求的例外情况包括:
      1. 服役人员不符合第六节规定的.一个以上. 在这种情况下, 然而, the service member shall be permitted to be readmitted pursuant to the same policies or requirements as all regular students.
      2. When the college reasonably determines that the service member is not prepared to return to their program of study at the status, 排名, 和/或以前取得的学业进步水平, 前提是学校做出了合理的努力, 服务人员无需额外付费, 为服务成员重新登记做准备. The college bears the burden of proof in establishing that the service member is not prepared to resume their course of study at the level obtained prior to withdrawal.
      3. 当服务成员要求注册不同的计划时.
      4. 当服役人员要求重新开始他们的学习计划时, 或者在任何更早的点, 学习计划的一部分.
  7. 重新入学时的学费
    The tuition and fees charged the service member for the first academic year upon re入学 shall be:
    1. 与取款时收取的费用相同,
    2. 如不高于其他学生所获助教津贴的上限,或
    3. If starting in a new program, the same tuition and fees charged to other students in the program.
  8. 规定
    The provisions of federal law requiring this policy shall supersede any state laws to the contrary.

原生效日期: 04/04/2023
批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
办公室负责: 贝博体育副总裁 & 登记管理



贝博体育不存在种族歧视, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


