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RSCC Policies & Guidelines
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RSCC Policy PA-03-01; Nepotism

Roane State Community College
Policy Number: PA-03-01
Subject: Nepotism
  1. Purpose

  2. Definitions
    相对-本政策的目的, relative means a parent, parent-in-law, child, spouse, brother, foster brother, sister, foster sister, grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, 或居住在同一家庭的其他家庭成员.

  3. Policy
    Pursuant to T.C.A. § 8-31-101, et. 以下是罗安州立社区学院(RSCC)的裙带关系政策.

    1. Employment of Relatives
      Effective July 1, 1980, no employees of the institution who are relatives shall be placed within the same direct line of supervision whereby one relative is responsible for supervising the job performance or work activities of another relative; provided, however, that to the extent possible, 本政策不应被解释为禁止两个或两个以上这样的亲属为该机构工作. For the purposes of this policy, a "relative" means a parent, parent-in-law, child, spouse, brother, foster brother, sister, foster sister, grandparent, grandchild, son-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law, 或居住在同一家庭的其他家庭成员.

    2. 当学院员工违反第三款规定时. A. as a result of marriage, 该违法行为应以在罗安国内转移的方式解决, 转学到另一个机构或学校, 或辞职,这可能是必要的,以消除违反.

      如果有其他转学选择的话, the employees shall be given the opportunity to select among the available alternatives; provided that if the employees are unable to agree upon any such alternative within sixty (60) days, 指定机构应采取适当措施消除违规行为.
    3. 如果雇佣关系违反第三款. A. 但在7月1日之前生效, 1980, 员工的就业不受本政策影响, 只要RSCC采取适当的行动,以确保员工既不发起也不参与涉及直接利益的大学决策(保留), promotion, salary, leave, etc.) to a relative.
    4. 罗安州立应以非歧视的方式适用上述规定,并应确保本政策的实施不会对某一性别的雇员产生不利影响. 本政策的规定不应被解释为限制雇用, promotion, 或任何特定申请人群体的就业机会.
    5. 田纳西州校董会指南P-090为法律的实施提供了进一步的指导. 访问完整详细的TBR指南P-090,裙带关系:
  4. Application
    1. 这项政策适用于任何被雇佣为全职员工的人, part-time, RSCC的学生或临时雇员.
    2. 此政策不适用于7月1日之前聘用的个人, 1980, and shall not be retroactively applied; however, 1980年以前聘用的员工的身份变更,应遵守本政策.
    3. The employment of relatives is permitted; however, 员工不得参与评审过程, 提供有关招聘事宜的建议及/或决策, opportunity, promotion, salary, retention, 或者根据这里的定义终止亲属关系.
      1. Pursuant to this provision, 亲属可以在RSCC内担任行政职务,只要该职务不需要或不包括参与审查过程, 提供有关招聘事宜的建议及/或决策, opportunity, activities, promotion, salary, 亲属的保留或终止.C.A. § 8-31-102 et. seq.
      2. An administrator shall not make employment decisions and/or recommendations which impact a relative individually; however, 该策略不会禁止没有违反裙带关系策略的管理员, 当他们有亲戚是RSCC的教职员工时,不能向RSCC的所有教职员工提出建议.
    4. 任人唯亲政策不得用于或考虑授予终身教职.
  5. Hiring
    1. 在为新职位或空缺职位寻找合格的候选人时,负责招聘的人员应根据个人的优点对每个人进行评估,而不考虑他们与其他雇员的关系.
    2. Prior to hiring any individual, 希望雇用个人的部门必须进行分析,以确保遵守州法律.
  6. Remedies
    罗安州立大学可以通过自愿转让来纠正任何违反本政策的行为, 或者无法达成协议, by involuntary transfer, from a unit or position, 或者在适当的时候终止.

  7. Policy Conflict

Revision History: 03/12/2012
TBR Policy Reference:
TBR Guideline Reference: P-090
Revision Date Effective: 05/02/2022
Revision Approval By: Christopher L. Whaley, President
Original Date Effective: 01/11/1988
Original Approval By: Cuyler A. Dunbar, President
Office Responsible: Vice President for Business & Finance
Reviewed: 04/26/2022

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