

RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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  3. RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.

RSCC Policy SA-01-02; 学生记录:保留和处理

保单号码: SA-01-02
主题: 学生记录:保留和处理
  1. 学生记录
    1. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended specifically requires institutions to maintain records of requests and disclosures of personally identifiable information except for defined "directory information" and requests from students to review their own records.
    2. The records of disclosures and requests for disclosures are considered part of the students' educational records; therefore, these records must be retained as long as the education records to which they refer are retained by the 贝博体育 (RSCC).
    3. 另外, FERPA requires that no record for which there is a pending request to review be destroyed.
    4. 创建的所有记录, received and maintained by the Office of Records and Registration in the course of its operations are the property of RSCC, and must be retained and disposed of in accordance with the provisions stated here within. 尽管有本合同规定的保存期, 这些时期是否与联邦法律相冲突, 保留期限以较长时间为准.
  2. 处理
    1. No record can be disposed of unless the stated minimum retention for that record has elapsed. 除了, 处置前, these records must have been subjected to the completion of an annual or biannual audit conducted by the State Audit Division of the Comptroller's Office.
    2. No record shall be destroyed so long as it pertains to any pending legal case, 索赔或诉讼, or to any federal audit until such actions have been concluded. 除了, no record shall be destroyed if there is a request for review pending. All student files pending review will be held for forty-five (45) days.
  3. 存储
    The college has the responsibility to provide stor年龄 of the retained student documents reasonably protecting them against loss, 破坏或盗窃,并保证它们的安全. 由学院保管, all documents and records must be accessible to staff in order to carry out their normal job assignments and responsibilities. Each individual is responsible for complying with the Buckley Amendment.
  4. 学生教育记录(全州学院/大学)
    These files contain the official academic record of students attending State institutions. 它们包括, but are not limited to Academic Records (includes Narrative Evaluations, 能力评估), Change of Grade Records; Financial Aid Transcripts (if applicable), 班级名单(原始成绩表或卡片), 毕业名单, 成绩单, 永久学生卡, 统计数据(招生), 成绩, 种族/民族, 学位), 毕业典礼计划(一份), 学生纪律档案导致开除.

    Student Education Records: Retention Permanent, Do Not Destroy
  5. Records that are not protected as part of the Student Education record.
    1. 这些记录包括, but are not limited to individual office or department files, 入学考试报告, 成绩单(高中), 其他学院)外国学生表格, 毕业授权, 提前安置记录, 入学或再入学申请, 通过考试表格获得学分, 位置记录, 转移信用评估, 学生分类卡/注册系统收据, 学费及杂费, AAPP扫描表和短文册, 试卷和答题纸, 体育部档案, 校园健康门诊记录.

    2. 全国大学生体育协会(NCAA), 病人, and Academic Second Opportunity Records (College/University Statewide) – 这些记录包括, but are not limited to Athletic files including NCAA eligibility and related files, 学生病人档案, 和学术第二次机会申请.
      Student National Collegiate Athletic Association Records: Retention 10 years
  6. 永久记录存储的替代形式
    1. Permanent records may be maintained in an alternative form as an attempt to increase efficiency and to save space.Alternative stor年龄 of records which are considered permanent must be in a manner that meets or exceeds current industry standard as determined by Information Technology office.
    2. When an acceptable alternate form of record stor年龄 is used, it is not necessary to retain both the original and the alternate form of record. 保留原始记录, after an alternate form of copying and retention is in place, is left to the discretion of the Registrar/Director of Registration.
  7. 处理学生入学记录
    1. 处理 of student admission records held in the Office of Records and Registration is permitted provided the minimum period set forth has elapsed. 前处理, the Registrar/Director of Registration or his/her designee must determine if all retention standards have been met as noted.
    2. 书面授权; 弃置纪录证明书 (CRD) signed by the Registrar, will be required prior to the disposal of the records. The authorization must list the records to be disposed of. The signed authorization will be kept as a permanent document within the Records Office. An annual appraisal by the Registrar or a designee should be conducted.
    3. The most acceptable method of record disposal at RSCC is by on-site shredding. 燃烧也是一种可接受的方法.
  8. 学生档案保存期
    1. Admission data, documents for applicants who do not enter:
文件/记录 最小保留期
录取通知书 申请期满后一年
大学先修课程记录 申请期满后一年
入学申请 申请期满后一年
对应 申请期满后一年
入学考试成绩单(ACT, CEEB) 申请期满后一年
推荐信 申请期满后一年
成绩单(高中), other colleges and universities) 申请期满后一年
医疗记录 申请期满后一年
重新接纳形式 申请期满后一年
  1. The remainder of the retention guidelines for student records pertains to applicants who enter the institution:
文件/记录 最小保留期
成绩报告(注册官副本) 分发日期后1年
登记表格 自提交日期起1年
社会保障证 认证后1年
成绩单申请(学生) 申请日期后1年
审计授权 申请日期后1年
通过/失败的请求 申请日期后1年
课程变更(添加/删除) 申请日期后1年
信用/不信用审批 申请日期后1年
注册验证、日志或列表 申请日期后1年
毕业申请 毕业后一年或最后一次入学日期
取消授权 毕业后3年或最后一次入学日期
学术行动授权(开除等.) 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
录取通知书 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
名称变更授权 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
相关的信件, 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
居留分类表格 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
课程变更授权 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
入学考试报告(ACT, CEEB) 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
成绩单-高中,其他大学 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
外国学生表格(I-20) 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
毕业授权 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
入学或再入学申请 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
考试学分表格 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
转学学分评估 毕业后5年或最后一次入学日期
学术成绩单 永久
更改成绩表格(更新表格) 永久
班级名单(原始成绩表或卡片) 永久
毕业名单 永久
永久学生卡 永久

*Admissions files are defined in accordance with AACRAO guidelines. The following elements are part of the RSCC student file and are considered disposable after minimum retention standards (noted above) have been met:

  • 接受/拒绝信
  • 大学先修课程记录
  • 申请入学(及重新入学)
  • 对应
  • 入学考试成绩/报告
  • 推荐信
  • 逾期提款申请
  • 医疗记录
  • 放置分数
  • 招聘材料
  • 住院医生分类表
  • 学生有权查阅豁免表格
  • 考试成绩成绩单(其他院校)
  • 成绩单(高中)

Revision History: 11/13/1990, 02/18/2000, 06/23/2008, 06/26/2018
TBR指南参考: S-020
修订生效日期: 03/24/2021
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 06/01/1997
批准人: 雪莉L. 总裁霍
办公室负责: 贝博体育副总裁 & 登记管理
综述: 03/15/2021



贝博体育 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State laws and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


