

RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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RSCC 政策 SA-01-01; 学生记录:控制与安全

保单号码: SA-01-01
主题: 学生记录:控制与安全
  1. 政策
    1. 由卫生署发出的规例, 根据1974年的《贝博体育》(FERPA),教育和福利, 为学生档案的控制和安全提供指导. 学生记录存放在记录和注册办公室, 本办公室主任负责本规定的实施. 违反这些规定的行为应向记录和注册处处长报告. 对该机构违规行为的投诉可向秘书办公室提出, 美国教育部.
    2. 条例规定了学生查阅记录、隐私和保护记录的权利. 另一项规定包括纠正不准确分录的准则. 这一规定的意图限制了分数对记录准确性的挑战, 没有达到老师给的分数.
    3. 对于学生的哪些信息可以公布,有明确的指导方针, 给谁, and under what conditions and each individual is responsible for complying with the Buckley Amendment. 目录信息可能会泄露给任何人. 目录信息包括学生的姓名, address, 电子邮件地址, 电话清单, 出生日期, 主修领域, 参加官方认可的活动和体育运动, 运动员的体重和身高, 出席日期, 注册状态-兼职, 全职, 所获学位及奖项, 以及该学生最近就读的教育机构. Those who may have access to a student's actual record without the student's consent are those instructors and staff who have a "legitimate educational interest arising from the need to fulfill his/her assigned responsibilities.“指定的学院官员将确定这种利益是否存在.
    4. Appropriate references to this policy shall be included in each faculty and staff handbook and shall be included in orientation sessions for new employees who work with or have access to student records.
  2. 经同意披露
    1. The institution may disclose personally identifiable information with the signed written consent of the student. The consent form must be dated and must specifically identify the particular records to be disclosed, 披露的目的及将向其披露的人士.
    2. 同意书的副本必须保存在学生的相关记录中. 除非同意书明确说明资料可能会进一步披露, the statement attached to the disclosed information shall also include a warning against further disclosure by the recipient.
  3. 根据传票披露
    1. The institution must disclose confidential student records pursuant to a lawfully issued subpoena or judicial order. 在收到传票或司法命令后, the institution shall examine the subpoena in order to verify that it has been executed by an officer of the court or other authorized official. (可联系TBR总法律顾问办公室以协助核查.)
    2. 披露前, the institution must use reasonable efforts to notify the student of the receipt of the subpoena or order and of the institution's intent to comply.
    3. 信件将以挂号信的方式寄到学生最后的已知地址. The letter should notify the student of the college’s intent to comply unless the student intervenes and should inform the student of the date the college will submit the requested documents. Under FERPA, the college has 20 days within which to comply with the request for student records. Requested documents must be sent with a notarized affidavit stating that proper notification to the student has occurred.
    4. Finally, a letter will be sent to notify the student that the college has complied with the request. All subpoenas for educational records received by the college should be forwarded to the Director of Records and Registration for compliance.
  4. 须供养学生家长须知
    The institution may disclose personally identifiable student records to parents of a student only if the student is a dependent of the parent as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code.
  5. 向其他学校和学校系统的官员披露
    The institution may disclose confidential student records to officials of other schools and/or school systems in which the student is currently enrolled, 或寻求, 或者打算注册, 前提是该披露符合以下条件:

    学校应尽合理的努力通知学生, 和/或家长,如果学生同意, 这名学生最后的住址. The institution does not have to attempt notice to the student if the disclosure is initiated by the student at the sending institution.
  6. 学生记录
    1. Student files at Roane State generally include only those documents submitted by the student in support of his/her application for admission to the college such as transcripts, 健康史表格, 以及该学生在本学院注册的课程的永久记录. 当学生希望查看他/她的记录时, 须向纪录及注册署署长提交书面要求.
    2. 收到此请求后, 在四十五(45)天内与学生安排预约. 这些记录将在记录处的一名工作人员在场的情况下进行审查. If, 在审查, 学生希望对文件的内容提出质疑, 申请须以书面形式提交,并寄交纪录及注册署署长. Most problems regarding records can be resolved between the student and the Director of Records and Registration.
    3. 但是,如果问题无法解决,学生可以要求听证复审. The hearing request must be submitted in writing to 学生主任 who will schedule a review appointment with the student and the Review Panel. The panel designated to hold the hearing will be composed of the Vice President of Student Learning, 学生主任, 人力资源总监和/或平权行动官员. 该小组的决定为最终决定. 决定将完全基于在听证会上提出的证据, and written statements summarizing the evidence and stating the reasons for the decisions will be delivered to all parties concerned. The student may be assisted or represented by individuals of his/her choice and at his/her expense.
    4. The Dean of 学生 shall prepare a written recommendation to the Director of Records and Registration outlining any required revision of the records. 学生教务处对修改记录作出最终决定. 学生可以获得他/她的学校档案中的每个文件的副本,费用为1美元.每页00.
    5. The written decisions resulting from the review procedure will become a part of the student's record. 学生可以提交书面澄清和解释他/她的理解, 这个记录也会成为学生记录的一部分. 学生得到适当的程序保护和程序保障.
  7. 紧急情况下的披露
    Schools may disclose education records to parents if a health or safety emergency involves their son or daughter. 符合99.条例第21(b)条, the following points will be considered in determining whether or not the release of student information is necessary for the protection of the health or safety of the student or other individuals:
    1. 对学生或其他个人的健康或安全构成威胁的严重性.
    2. 需要信息以应对紧急情况.
    3. Whether the parties 给谁 the information is disclosed are in a position to deal with the emergency.
    4. 在处理紧急情况时,时间在多大程度上至关重要. A full text of the official statement of the college relating to its interpretation and implementation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be obtained from 学生主任.

Responsible Party: The Registrar shall be responsible for development and maintenance of this policy for issuance by the Vice President of 贝博体育 and 登记管理.

Revision History: 07/01/1990, 07/01/1995, 02/21/2000, 11/29/2006, 06/04/2007, 06/15/2008, 08/20/2018
TBR指南参考: S-020
修订生效日期: 02/02/2021
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 贝博体育副总裁 & 登记管理
综述: 02/12/2021


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