

  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 贝博体育
  3. 金融援助
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.提供在线学位. 从七个完全在线的课程中选择.



The State of Tennessee administers several scholarship 贝博体育, including:


网站: 访问 田纳西州彩票奖学金 的信息.


网站: 访问 田纳西州的承诺 的信息.


访问网站: 田纳西州的连接 的信息.


有各种各样的奖学金可以通过 罗恩州立基金会. 并非所有奖学金都是基于经济需要. 某些专业有奖学金, 非传统的学生, 残疾学生, 学术成就, 等. T在这里 may be a scholarship just waiting for you, but you can't be awarded one if you don't apply.



描述: The American Association of University Women (AAUW) Oak Ridge Branch promotes equity for women, 终身教育, philantrophy, 积极的社会变革. The number of scholarships each covering the 学费 of one 3-hour course will be determined by the amount available for the scholarship and the quality of the 应用程序s received.

应用程序: 点击这里




描述: This is a scholarship for up to $1000 for women who are return to college after an interruption in education or continuing their education, 高中毕业后, 在大学里, 社区大学或技术学校.

应用程序: 超过了最后期限




描述: The 职业和技术奖学金计划 is funded through the generosity of Horation Alger Association Members, 吉姆F. 迪克二世和丹尼斯·华盛顿. 奖学金 are awarded to students who have faced and overcome great obstacles in their lives who wish to pursue a career or technical education at an accredited non-profit secondary institution in the United States.


资金可用于 学费,费用,书籍和用品. All scholarship funds are paid directly to the institution on behalf of the recipient.
如果你是学校的官员, you may sign up for our Stay Connected list so that you will be notified of important 应用程序 updates and to print a poster to put up in your school. 要做到这一点,请访问我们 学校官员 页面.

应用程序: 应用在这里.

截止日期: The CTE 应用程序 is now open with a priority deadline on June 15, 2022. 奖学金 will be awarded on a rolling basis throughout the spring and summer.

请遵循这个 link 了解更多信息.



类型: Each year the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) awards multiple scholarships to students showing dedication to the pursuit of higher education in diverse areas of study including history, 经济学, 法律, 政治科学, 医学, 护理, 职业和物理治疗, 初等和中等教育, 化学, 数学, 科学与英语.

标准: 点击 在这里 DAR奖学金网站

应用程序: 学生必须 创建帐户 填写一般申请表格. 点击 在这里 查看所有可用的奖学金机会.

截止日期: 2022年1月31日



描述: This 东田纳西基金会奖学金计划 is made up of different scholarship funds established by individuals, 公司, or organizations wanting to assist individuals pursuing a college education. 2020年东田纳西州基金会奖学金机会 包括成年学生有资格获得的奖学金. 奖学金的信息, 包括详细的说明和应用说明, 以及2020个应用程序, 会在ETF网站上发布吗, http://www.easttennesseefoundation.org/receive/scholarships.aspx. 所有ETF奖学金申请必须在线完成并提交. 附件是在线申请人教程的副本. ETF 2020奖学金的申请截止日期为 2020年2月15日.


应用程序: http://www.easttennesseefoundation.org/receive/scholarships.aspx,在“助学金”下拉菜单下选择“奖学金”.

截止日期: 不同



描述: The Morgan County Cattlemen's Association (MCCA) will award up to 3 scholarships of $1000 each to outstanding students who are pursuing or continuing careers in the agriculture/beef industry, a科学, 技术, 工程, (数学)研究领域, 或教K- 12年级.
The purpose of this program is to identify and encour年龄 talented and thoughtful students who aspire to complete their higher education and develop careers that contribute to their communities.


截止日期: 提交的作品必须在2022年2月26日之前加盖邮戳.
请跟 link 获取有关该奖学金及其要求的更多信息.



描述: The NCMA is dedicated to the professional growth and educational advancement of 采购 and acquisition personnel world-wide. The NCMA advances educational goals by encouraging both students and institutions to promite interest in business, 采购, 和/或收购领域. The East Tennessee Chapter expects to award a $2000 scholarship to a deserving undergraduate or graduate for the Fall 2022 semester.

标准: 每个奖学金不同

截止日期: 2022年1月15日

遵循 在这里 有关马克·威廉姆斯奖学金的信息.

遵循 在这里 查阅有关威廉·比尔·桑顿奖学金的信息.


Program for Continuing Education (PCE) Grant from the Philanthropic Education Organization (P.E.O.)

描述: P.E.O. 提供高达3000美元的一次性奖励.00 to women that have been a non-student for 24 consecutive months sometime in their adult life and are within 18 consecutive months of completing their program. 请参阅 摩天观景轮 了解更多信息,请访问P.E.O. 点击网站 在这里.

应用程序: 请按连结至 应用程序.

截止日期: 秋季截止日期为2022年3月20日,春季截止日期为2022年8月31日



描述:  Scarlett Foundation scholarship is for students who have graduated or will graduate from high school in mid-TN counties and is pursuing a business or STEM major full-time in the fall of 2018. 他们的平均成绩必须不低于2分.5 .必须有经济需要.

应用程序: 超过了最后期限




To better serve the students at Roane State that are planning on transferring to another university, we have compiled a list of some of the local universities and their deadlines for applying for scholarships.


学生 are also encour年龄d to pursue scholarship opportunities outside of Roane State. Sources 的信息 include public libraries, civic groups, and the internet.

获得更多奖学金机会, the 金融援助 Office at 贝博体育 encour年龄s students to visit FastWeb,一个在线奖学金数据库.



贝博体育不存在种族歧视, color, 宗教, 信条, 种族或民族出身, 性, 残疾, 年龄, status as protected veteran or any other class protected by Federal or State 法律s and regulation and by Tennessee board of Regents policies with respect to employment, 贝博体育, 和活动.​​​​​​​ 查看完整的非歧视政策.


